Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Whales evoled from tiny deer-like creatures?

The closest ancestors to the large whale are tiny raccoon sized, deer-looking mammals that walked on land about 480 million years ago in southern Asia. These animals are called indohyus part a group of mammals called artiodaotyls like hippo,pig, sheep, and giraffes. Recent studies from fossils say artiodaotyl's gave rise to whales. Hundreds of fossils were found in a mud stone in Indian-controlled Kashmir. Scientists think that a small herd was living there and dies somehow. Their skeletons then flowed into this river where it was buried. The fossils show similar properties that gives an idea to missing links in the evolution of whales. I think that it is an amazing thing to go from a land to water. Indohyus were herbivores and whales are carnivores that eat krill. I don't understand, but it is truly amazing transformation.

By: Mahdi Sarii
