Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sickle Cell Anemia 101 Responce

I've recently read a blog informing me what Sickle Cell Anemia 101 is and what causes it. According to the author, this disorder deforms the shape of your red blood cells into a crescent shape. James B. Herrick discovered symptoms such as making a patient feeble, tired, and lousy. Herrick noticed that it is usually found on African Americans and is spread by heredity of parents. Unfortunately there is no ultimate cure to fix the genetic disorder, but researchers have discovered several techniques to treat certain patients. These include exercise to move the body, receiving good nutrient, and eating healthy foods. People who suffer from this disease usually die younger than normal people survive. After reading the blog i felt sad for the innocent people who are diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia 101 and hope doctors find a cure for this dreadful disorder.

The students Blog who wrote this is

Monday, May 4, 2009

Angelman Syndrome

Angelman Syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder that consists of many heartbreaking symptoms. The disorder was discovered in 1965 by an physician Harry Angelman who named it after himself. Patient of this genetic disorder suffer from hyperactivity, small head size, problems sleeping, balance and movement disorders, and seizures. There are many more complications of being a patient of this disease, but i listed the general. Currently, there are no cures for this disorder but there specific therapies for specific symptoms, such as therapy for seizures and communication therapy. Usually, patients who suffer diseases have a shorter life span. opposed to Angelman Syndrome patients, which have the same life according to age. This disorder was classified rare with a U.S. population of 200,000 in every person. There is no specific racial group who are more venerable to Angelman Synmdrome. All groups of people are found with this disorder in America. Finally, scientist are all putting extreme effort into find a more effective treatment and need to look into chromosome 15 which is the main cause of Angelman Syndrome.